Lenard Giller

Lenard Giller

Lenard Giller (b. 1997, Munich, Germany) looks at the relationship between reality and its translation and representation through time-based technologies. Spanning film, sound, sculptural elements and installation, Giller’s practice unpacks the material, structural and underlying emotional components that condition perception. 

Upcoming and recent exhibitions include MACRO — Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, Rome, Italy (2024); Bar Civil, Düsseldorf, Germany (2024); Casa di Goethe Museum, Rome, Italy (2024); Sweetwater, Berlin, Germany (2024); Akwa Ibom, Athens, Greece (2023); The Shop, Sadie Coles HQ, London (2023); ERMES ERMES, Rome, Italy (2023); Chess Club, Hamburg (2023); Petrine, Paris, France (2022); and Galerie Noah Klink, Berlin, Germany (2022; 2020).



Exhibitions with Petrine:

Lenard Giller
Liste Art Fair Basel 2023
12.06.2023 — 18.06.2023

Lenard Giller
04.11.2022 — 17.12.2022

Adaptations, 2023
multi-channel video installation
Installation view: Liste Art Fair Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 2023

Untitled, 2024
digital video transferred from 16mm film, colour, silent
55 seconds, loop
Installation view: Bar Civil, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2024

Actors, 2023
16mm film, colour, silent
71,9ft., loop
Installation view: Sweetwater, Berlin, Germany, 2024

Revisions, 2023
multi-channel sound and video installation
Installation view: The Shop, Sadie Coles HQ, London, UK, 2023

Productions, 2022
16mm film, colour, silent
2910 ft.
Installation view: Galerie Noah Klink, Berlin, Germany, 2022