
For Artissima 2024 Lenard Giller presents film, sound and installation.
The presentation furthers Giller’s ongoing interest in unpacking the material, structural and underlying emotional components that affect impressions and memory, through time-based technologies. The works explore how the contingency of reality affects spatial and musical compositions, and how the units of measurement which frame our relationship to the material world provide structure for how subjects are portrayed and viewed.
action at a distance (2024) is a hybrid between a field recording and a musical composition. The artist experiments with reality; the recording becomes a script for the composed sound piece. The title engages with the law of universal gravitation which states that the movement of an object can be ‘affected’ by that of another, without the two actually touching. In this case the objects affecting each other are materially composed of sounds.
systems/structures (2024), a silent 16mm film, portrays a musical instrument captured from various distances and angles. The film is composed of two interdependent structural elements: the length of each shot and the camera’s proximity to the subject. By combining spatial and durational measurements, the camera captures an image while materialising its own distance to the subject.
A constellation of coils (2023) is installed on the outside wall of the booth.
Lenard Giller (b. 1997, Munich) has recently exhibited at MACRO — Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, Rome (2024); Bar Civil, Düsseldorf, (2024); Casa di Goethe Museum, Rome (2024); Sweetwater, Berlin (2024); Akwa Ibom, Athens (2023); The Shop, Sadie Coles HQ, London (2023); ERMES ERMES, Rome (2023); Chess Club, Hamburg (2023); Petrine, Paris (2022); and Galerie Noah Klink, Berlin (2022; 2020).