Florence Carr

Frieze London

09.10.2024 — 13.10.2024
Frieze London

For this year’s edition of Frieze London, Petrine is showing a solo presentation of new work by Florence Carr.

Conscious of material hierarchies and the nuanced ways we assign value, Carr employs materials and objects that no longer fulfil their role within materialistic consumption patterns. The resulting assemblages offer a reconfiguration; a defiance of specific categorisation that questions the function of objects.

Carr’s focus is on how far one can stretch the recognisability or authenticity of forms, much like memory, still able to infer the content of their gaps, before they adopt a total newness.

When the mind struggles to capture the entirety of memory, we often recall isolated details with pinhole sharpness. Interested in the habituation of objects, Carr looks to articles that subtly index the every day, made significant through personal narrative.

Florence Carr lives and works in London. Recent solo exhibitions include 12.26, Los Angeles (2024); and Petrine, Paris (2023). Group shows include Sweetwater, Berlin (2024); Molitor, Berlin (2023); Maison Louis Carré, Bazoches-sur-Guyonne (2023); and Paradise Row, London (2022).